Winner of the NZ Post Children's Book Awards, this compelling novel explores truth and lies, guilt, grief and love.

'So where does the truth lie?' said Jeremiah.
'Huh, truth lies. Truth lies,' I said, giving up before I started, knowing I could never explain.

Months after her life has been brought to a standstill, Catriona Stuart is embarking on a painful search for the truth. The truth about her boyfriend, Jeremiah, and his dangerous brother Simeon. The truth about her mother, about her past, and most of all about herself and her secret and why her world fell apart.

REISSUED: Penguin 2018


A prize-winning novel about friendship, family and an impossible love.

'What made March really significant, what seared it on both our brains, was that Westie met his birth mother, Vicky, for the first time, a secret assignation . . . and I met Meredith Robinson . . .'

Max Jackson tells the story of his friendship with Westie, from its wild, head-smacking glory to its bitter misunderstandings. In just one tumultuous year, a volatile cocktail - two young men, two women, love and hate and the weight of the past - changes that friendship for ever.

Winner of the Young Adult Fiction Honour Book Prize at the New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards.

REISSUED: Penguin 2018



A moving story of young - and old - love.

'He looks at me now, full face, and I can see how drawn, how much older that face is - dark pits under his eyes, lines of tiredness. He's not the warrior king I fell for eight months ago.'

Christy is under siege. Her father is dangerously near losing it, her grandmother has lost it and Christy fears she has lost her boyfriend to a peacekeeping assignment in Bosnia.

In an attempt to uncover an old family secret and sort out all her relationships, she plans a train journey to the West Coast . . .

REISSUED: Penguin 2018